Dan Wesson does NOT sell firearms directly to consumers online,instead selling our products through an Authorized Dealer network as well as to major wholesale distributors that work with all other FFL dealers. Our authorized dealers can be found here. Please use caution when giving personal payment information online. The following websites are NOT affiliated with Dan Wesson. www.czgunshop.com, www.czgunstore.com, www.danwessonfirearmstore.com
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c1. As of the 8/8/2002 submission date of this response our production registry contains 2,348,156 delegations, 5,112,317 nameserver records, and 50,159 glue (A) records and is based on serial number 2002080800 of the VeriSign zone file. Data that are not provided as part of our live mirror (e.g., registrar for an assigned object) are simulated as test data until VeriSign can start providing us full data feeds. 2ff7e9595c